2025 April, Residency @Estonian Schoenberg Society, Tallinn, Estonia
Computational music research exchange. Science techniques + Guzheng Chinese traditional harp + AI gestrual control. + 3 concerts + 1 lecture.
2025.4.13 @Pethaus, Tampere, Finland |
2025.4.12 @*, *, Finland |
2025.4.11 @Myymala2, Helsinki, Finland |
2025.4.11 Lecture @Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Tallinn, Estonia |
2025.4.10 Schoenberg Series @Estonian Center of Contemporary Music, Tallinn, Estonia |
2025.4.9 Musica Sacra @St. John's Church, Tartu, Estonia |
2025.4.5 Musica Sacra @St. Elizabeth's Church, Pärnu, Estonia |
Science: 2025.3.24-28 @MNHN, Paris, FranceTaxonomy in Big Data workshop. |
2025.3.17-21 Residency @GRAME, Villeurbanne, FranceFrench National Contemporary Music Creative Center. Research of biometrical data transform into sound. |
2025.3.1-30 Exhibition: “心所若触——鲁珊作品展” Gone with the Mind:Works by Lu Shan @深圳市关山月美术馆 Guan Shanyue Art Museum, Shenzhen, ChinaMicroscope transformed Lu Shan's painting into music. |
2025.3.1 Festival Audioblast @Ateliers de Bitche, Nantes, FranceConcert of graphic score. With DimElectronics Ensemble. |
2025.2.3-7 Residency (1/2) @Art Zoyd Studios, Valenciennes, FranceExploring electro-physiological control of Guzheng, Chinese traditional harp. |
2025.1.26-31 Residency @NWWN Studio, Seichamps, France
Discover analog reel to reel tape recording process with William Nurdin + Interview with Radio "A Propos De Minos". + 3 concerts.
Radio "A Propos De Minos" on 2024.1.26 Journal*
2025.1.31 @CCGP, Nancy, FranceMax/MSP audio-visual interactive Workshop proposed by Yellow Wasabi. Concert of Yellow Wasabi with TiO2 of SLUJ (Mech, Drone’n’doom - Nancy). Poster by Tinmar from spraylab-CCGP. |
2025.1.29 @Octavecowbell, Metz, FranceFor the exhibition of Sarah Nance. With William Nurdin. |
2025.1.26 Radio "A Propos De Minos" @NWWN Studio, Seichamps, FranceLearning electroacoustic process and recording with William Nurdin + Invertiew with Radio "A Propos De Minos". |
Album: 书店天堂Bookstore HeavenFirst Album on Sulfuric Darkness, Poland, CD. Recording of 21st August 2024 at Old Heaven Books, Shenzhen, China. Art work by Jakobus and calligraphy by me. "Bookstore Heaven 书店天堂" is a live-recorded performance by the artist Yellow Wasabi in the form of a debut album. Bookstore Heaven 书店天堂 is a sonic journey between two seemingly different worlds: the singing of the traditional Chinese harp Guzheng, distorted by MAX/Msp and the unpredictable extremity of harsh noise captured by microscope. The marriage of these two sonic landscapes is further veiled with psychedelic accents, creating an unforgettable musical experience. Sulphuric Darkness presents Bookstore Heaven 书店天堂, released in an eco-friendly paper sleeve with a four-page booklet. The release is limited to thirty copies. Bookstore Heaven 书店天堂 is also a special release for Sulphuric Darkness, as it marks our largest production run to date. |
43 concerts! With 5 festivals, 2 residencies and 1 releases !
2024.12.29 Silence Kills S06 EP59 @Tony Collective, Paris, FranceEnding of a year party with Yorgos Holopoulos, Emilia Wysocka and Paul Kervegan. Presented by Silence Kills. |
2024.12.22 @Waner玩儿, Paris, FranceParticipative event. An emotion noise machine to read your mood. With live performance of Han Du. |
2024.12.13 @Toloache, Paris, FranceArtificial Lightning turn to a musical instrument! With Fame Fatale. |
Science: 2024.12.2-13 @MNHN, Paris, FranceNew Caledonia Porifera (sponges) taxonomy workshop. |
2024.11.26 @Castel Club, Paris, FranceThe Castel, Private Members' Club since 1961 in the heart of St-Germain-des-Prés, Paris. Invited by Fame Fatale. |
2024.11.18-20 Murmure @Le Syndrome de Stendhal, Paris, FranceSpcial experiences with music and gastronomy. Proposed by Hapax. |
2024.11.16 Festival NoiSEvembeR, Noisepret @De Tanker in Noord, Amsterdam, NetherlandsNoiSEvembeR is a spontaneous celebration of "NOISE" as a cultural movement. Invited by Schoco Mune. With Frank Vis, Ekster, Noisearm, BAHK, tba... |
2024.11.11 Vernissage @Le Syndrome de Stendhal, Paris, FranceSpcial experiences with music and gastronomy. Proposed by Hapax. |
Album: Sauce Secrète - 炒饭 ! ChaufaCollab with Peruvian musician Fantasiabot (Juan Carlos Sanchez). Arroz chaufa is a popular Peruvian stir-fried rice dish, blending Peruvian and Chinese flavors. It typically includes rice, vegetables, scrambled eggs, soy sauce, and often chicken, beef, or shrimp. Its flavors come from a mix of Peruvian seasonings and Asian-inspired ingredients like ginger, green onions, and sesame oil. |
2024.11.3 Dimanche de l'Impro @La Guillotine, Montreuil, FranceMontly acoustic improvisation concert organized by Jacques Pochat. With 4tet clarinettes contrebasse: Anne-Lise Clement, Jean-Luc Petit, Jean-Brice Godet and Ugo Boscain. |
2024.10.22 Quasi #?? @Instants Chavirés, Paris, FranceMontly concert for emerging artist. With Margueriet & Scheiẞegal |
2024.10.17 @Tony Collective, Paris, FranceWith Dosis Letalis & Informelle. Organized by Tony Collective. |
2024.10.5-19 Festival: frasq #16 @Le Générateur, Gentilly, FranceEperimental Theater collective TeenageGod, Guzheng + Max/MSP, interactive 3D projection. Coordinator: Armando Navarro. With Matthew Avignone, Eve Bitoun, Désiré Bonaventure, Pierre Caillaud, Jaz Corwin, Eric Delplancq, Dzaizku, Zach Haze, Siegfried Jegard, Max Kaario, Tom Lozano, Dudi Malka, Armando Navarro, Amélie Paulewicz, Charlie Red, Aubin Robert, Paula Rojas, Louise Ronk-Sengès, Yellow Wasabi. |
2024.9.27 @Ov Off Studio, Athens, GreeceAfter participating in the Creative Europe Residency in Thessaloniki, Yellow Wasabi draws inspiration from the Mediterranean Sea and ecofeminism, exploring new ways to connect humans and the environment through her music. With 1/2 GLEN, the duo of Eleni Ampelakiotou and Wilhelm Stegmeier. Founders of the band GLEN in Berlin in 2015, the two guitarists will return to their avant-rock, free-improv, and prog instrumental roots, improvising live and working on their next GLEN album in real time. |
2024.9.26 @Transcendance, Thessaloniki, GreeceNew Media Noise + interactive projection. With 6daEXit ensemble. |
2024.9.9-23 Residency: Ripple of Change @Craftopia, Thessaloniki, GreeceExperimentl theater of water crisis, ecological noise + interactive projection. Creative Europe project, Theatre in Palm. With Vera, Sylvia, Sera and Heidi. Coordinator: Evanthia Stavrou. |
Double Tour: Yellow Wasabi x Bianca Warlord
4 concerts of 2 solo project, mini France Tour with Nicolas Henry in Nantes, Rennes, Orléans & Rouen. Journal
2024.9.6 @Le Boulingrin, Rouen, FranceAudience filled up the garage! With Bianca Warlord & Oderg in (red cat city). |
2024.9.5 Concert de Musiques Vraiment Actuelles @Le 108, Orleans, FranceHappy productive séjour at Orléans! Really actual music concert with Bianca Warlord, Paul Laurent & DualChill Djs. Yellow Wasabi first web VJ. |
2024.9.1 @Ferme du Ranson, Rennes, FranceSquat in an acousmonium farm! |
2024.8.30-31 Festival: Electropixel #14 @Ateliers de Bitche, Nantes, FranceMy set is at 2:48:00. Using 3D interactive visualisation. |
China Tour
10 concerts in Canton, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Hangzhou & Shanghai. Journal
2024.8.28 @阁楼AtticSpace, Canton, ChinaExtreme set at 3m2. With Glib (John Wilton + hao) & Yuri. |
2024.8.25 @20alpha, Hong Kong, ChinaFirst time using interactive visualisation. Guzheng + Max/MSP. With John Wilton & 龢wo4. |
2024.8.23 @Fooly, Shenzhen, ChinaWater + Guzheng + Max/MSP, with Sumcc. |
2024.8.21 @旧天堂书店Old Heaven Books, Shenzhen, ChinaPresentation of my biology and music research with two set: Guzheng Max/MSP + microscope music. Recording released on Sulphic Darkness Dec 2024. |
2024.8.9 @陀地士多ToteStore, Shanghai, ChinaSolo, duo, trio with Lucien & Rubbish. |
2024.8.2 @trigger, Shanghai, ChinaBirthday concert with Shu Ride, Zhuuuuuuu & gaojiafeng! |
2024.8.1 @Ale Garden, Shanghai, ChinaMicroscope music. With Shanghai Oscillation Groupe, 贾潇+伊帆. |
2024.7.30 毛躁 #4 @Loopy Club, Hangzhou, ChinaWith oo-khiat, takk (朱胤杰+阿坤) , 关著&张晋珲. |
2024.7.21 各演各的 #7 @午厅, Canton, ChinaWith Oishi, Joseph K., 电冰箱&一直猫. The room and the court and the roof top was complet! Thanks invitation from Popol Wu and Mu. |
2024.7.20 @Portal, Canton, ChinaIn a hair cut + label + studio mix space. With 飞天爷. |
2024.7.12-14 Festival: Bruitisme #11 @Blénod-les-Toul, France36h Noise marathon at a hunter cabin, near the source of Meine. Me and Sam at the 2nd last jam. Photo by Magali Sanheira. |
2024.7.4 - 11 Residency: Guzheng IIC @La Générale, Paris, FranceGuzheng + microscope + biometric electronic modules. Interview by P-node Radio, open studio. |
2024.6.21 Festival: Fête de la Musique #1 @Collège de France, Paris, FranceGuzheng + MaxMSP + AI tool SOMAX2. Summer music festival at Collège de France. |
2024.6.11 @Café de Paris, Paris, FranceMicroscope Music. With Fantasiabot, Fame Fatale & Jaz Corwin. |
2024.5.29 Broken Impro #44 @Chair de Poule, Paris, FranceParisian improvisation scene. |
2024.5.17 French Deposition #1 @Le Shakirail, Paris, FranceFirst concert of fréquences critiques, release party of Léandro Barzabal, with Dottie Doppler and PROMECO. |
2024.4.30-5.8 South France Tour + Conference JIM 2024May 06-08 Journées d’informatique musicale, Marseille, France. " Le Potentiel De L ’IA Dans La Transcription Automatique De La Musique Contemporaine", paper submitted. Event page May 04 Data, Marseille. With Bianca Warlord (Nicolas Henry) Event page May 03 La salle Zen, Montpellier. With IXIX, POURPRE & ROMICELIUM Event page May 01 Baleine rouge, Sète. With ROMICELIUM & Lilie. April 30 Le Ravelin, Toulouse. With electro rastrelleo. Event page |
2024.3.31 La Jam du Fondeur au Lapin Vert #23 @Péniche Lapin Vert, Joinville-le-Pont, FranceParisian improvisation ensemble Fondeur de Son Jam session every last Sunday of the month on a boat Lapin Vert. |
2024.3.20 LabOrchestra #4 @Scène de recherche, Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceBuild augmented musical instrument and take part in a sound experience with electroacoustic musician and composer Nicolas Perrin and researcher Javier Ojeda. |
2024.2.21 Broken Impro #39 @Chair de Poule, Paris, FranceParisian improvisation scene. |
6 concerts at Montpellier, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Paris.
2023.11.30 Parenchyme #5 @TIASCI, Paris, FranceExperimental music performed by Guzheng Chinese harp and pedals, inspired from plant cells. Each sound stands for a cell organ. By laying loops, 6 types of cells were presented in threedimensional space. |
2023.8.31 Parenchyme #4 @池塘之底Fond du Pond, Guangzhou, China |
2023.8.27 Parenchyme #3 @陀地士多ToteStore, Guangzhou, China |
2023.8.19 Parenchyme #2 @红糖罐Brown Sugar Jar, Shenzhen, China |
2023.8.6 Parenchyme #1 @飞石Stonefree, Shenzhen, China |
2023.3.18 Scène ouverte classique #1 @Opera of Montpellier, Montpellier, FranceChinese classical music on violin. |
Instagram: @yellow_wasabii 小红书: 不是绿色是黄色的芥末酱 Bandcamp: Yellow Wasabi Soundcloud:Yellow Wasabi Youtube:@Yellow_Wasabi Bilibili:YellowWasabi黄芥末 E-mail: 1021096066[@]qq.com